I Love Taking Pictures

Okay let me rephrase that... I like taking pictures. I love capturing a moment, an emotion, the real person, telling the story of a moment in time for everyone to see. I love the look on my client's face when we've finished a shoot that has been more fun than work, the glow they get from having such a good time and the anticipation that dances in their eyes as they wonder if I captured what they want to be. And the look of utter delight when they realize that I did indeed capture their spirit and they look more amazing then they ever imagined. Yes, I like taking pictures. But I love being part of the beauty and love that is life and capturing it for all the world to see.


Visit my websites at www.eliseschreiner.com.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Farmers Market

We went down to the farmers market to grab a bite to eat and look around. Why is it every thing looks better out in the fresh air?

Like these apples?

And these cookies?

Almost makes you want to eat your veggies...

With a nice garnish!

Even a metal rooster looks fine standing out in the sunshine.

Isn't she cute?

Him, not so much.

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